This I’ve Learned

about an event that happened three years ago. THREE YEARS! How could that be? It certainly doesn’t seem that long ago. It’s as though the pandemic robbed us of our sense of time. Yet, it felt like an eternity when we were restricted to the walls in our home. Go figure! I wonder if I’m the only one who feels that way. Well, that tells me one thing; My time is precious. I’m not going to waste it. But on the other hand, I once heard it said that time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time. Maybe I’ll just have more fun.

Here’s something from face book. I had to cut some of it, but you’ll get the idea.
Barely the day has started and it’s already six in the evening. Barely arrived on Monday and its already Friday, the month is half over and the year is half over.
Already so much of our life has passed, we’ve lost parents, friends and we can’t go back.
So, let’s try, despite everything, to enjoy the remaining time. Let’s keep looking for activities that we like. Let’s put some color in our gray. Let’s smile at the little things in life that put balm in our hearts.
And despite everything, we must continue to enjoy with serenity this time we have left. Let’s try to eliminate saying after: I’ll do it after…
We leave everything for later like “²”²after”²”² is ours.
What we don’t understand is that:
afterwards, priorities change…
Afterwards, health passes…
Afterwards, the kids grow up and leave…
Afterwards, promises are forgotten…
Afterwards, the day becomes the night…
Afterwards, life ends., then it’s too late.
So, Let’s leave nothing for later,
The day is today. The moment is now.

*Let your dishwasher do your work in cleaning many things. Some ideas are: flip-flops, canvas sneakers, baseball caps, makeup brushes, contacts cases, mouth guards, hair brushes, combs,shower heads, refrigerator shelves and garden tools. These items can be washed together, but not recommended with dishes
*Create a habit of putting everything back once you’re finished with it.
*Sometimes multi -tasking works, but most times, it doesn’t. If you have to concentrate on something, it pays to give it your full focus as you will naturally get it done much faster.

If you think you never make a mistake, you are mistaken.
Best after dinner speech to hear: “Waiter I’ll take the check.”

Information for this blog is taken from many sources.
Deem reliable at your own risk.
Punch Lines are complimentary of Fr. John Hampsch, C.M.F

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A clock is shown with the time passing by.

Theresa Klunk Schultz