about my new year’s resolutions. You know, the same as others, diet-exercise-get rid of stuff, etc. I’m usually pretty good for the first few weeks. But this year I’m going make it last all year. Hopefully, I can. If not, there’s always tomorrow.
(Taken from Over the Hill & On a Roll)
How sweet to remember the troubles that is past.
Harry enrolled in a memory course and forget why.
Of all liars, the smoothest and most convincing is the memory.
The best thing about memories is that you can remember them without having to relive them.
Memory is the thing you forget with.
Find yourself in the Georgia Aquarium to watch the water creatures live.
Google the link below (Can copy and paste) and click on webcam.
Georgia Aquarium: https://www.georgiaaquarium.org/
(Taken from A Century of Home Remedies)
When baking always cream butter well before adding sugar. Also, adding 1-2 Tbsp. water will make the mixture fluffier.
Cake will come out of pan without sticking if you place the pan on a damp cloth when you take it out of the oven.
One cup of raw rice equal three cups of cooked rice.
To ripen green fruits, put in a paper bag in a dark place for a few days.
Many times, we will judge someone unfairly. We don’t know what’s going on with their life. We all have times when life is difficult and it’s not easy to be our normal self. Perhaps if we try to make it a habit to be kind and considerate to others at all times, it might keep us from being judgmental.
Information for this blog is taken from many sources.
Deem reliable at your own risk.
Information for this blog is taken from many sources.
Deem reliable at your own risk.
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Subject – Theresa’s Blog

this is a test from Theresa