about Black Friday. Did you see on TV the crowds of people rushing and standing in lines for bargains. I was just glad I wasn’t there. It was hard enough trying to stay away from my computer to resist the deals. Well, at least I tried.
Bert and Hank were hiking in the woods and they came across a bear. Bert bent down and started taking off his hiking boots and putting on his tennis shoes. Hank said, “Hey that’s not going to do you any good-putting on your tennis shoes. You’re not going to outrun the bear”. Bert answered, “All I need to do is outrun you.”
(Taken from 1001 Tips for Teens)
Before peeling grapefruit or oranges, dunk them in hot water for 30 seconds. This loosens the peelings to make it easier to peel.
Crumple tissue paper in the bottom of a cookie jar. The cookies will stay fresh and crisp longer.
Instead of cutting a lemon for just a few drops of juice, pierce with a fork to squeeze out the required amount.
If you cut tomatoes in vertical slices, they’ll retain more juice.
To make uniform size hamburger patties, use an ice-cream dipper.
Go live now to Tembe Africa Park to see the elephants.
Google the link below (May have to copy and paste)
African Tembe Elephant Park powered by EXPLOE.org
Sometimes we know people for years and don’t even know their talents or what they have accomplished. We might be missing out on a closer friendship by not knowing more about them. Perhaps we might even learn how much they have in common with ourselves. Think about it!
Information for this blog is taken from many sources.
Deem reliable at your own risk.
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Subject – Theresa’s Blog