This I’ve Learned

I WAS THINKING…about a name with no phone number that was written on my day timer. It’s a mystery to me. The name isn’t familiar and I don’t remember why I put it there. I’ll just caulk it up as been too busy. (Not old age) I’m not going to worry about it. I figure she’ll call me if I owe her money.

(Taken from Old Wreck’s Jokes)
How to get your own way
Pretend to be confused by new technology.
Threaten to move in with your children to get them to do your shopping and housework.
Let everyone know that only your nicest relatives will be in your will.
Feign illness whenever you need anything done.

Copy and paste the link below on google.

The Royal Cancun Live Webcam

(Continued from last week- taken from Old Farmer’s Almanac)
Hummingbirds have a very high metabolic rate, with a heart rate of 1,260 beats per minutes and breaths of 250 times per minute. The long flights and wing-beating make them weary. That’s why as often as every 15 minutes, they look for a place to rest on trees and shrubs with small leaves. But they will also rest on your feeder’s hanger. They have a dense concentration of cones in their retinas, which seem to heighten color sensitivity to red and yellow, while muting colors such as blue. The life expectancy of a hummingbird is 3 to 6 years.

(Taken from Grandma Putt’s Problem Solver)
Remove white rings stains from wooden furniture by gently rubbing the marks away with a soft cloth dipped in car wax.
Polish Formica countertops with car wax. Use a second cloth to buff it.
Coat the surface of your dustpan with car wax for a breeze to clean.
Drawer runners and window glides will move smoothy when rubbed with car wax.
Use car wax to shine leather shoes. Rub it on with a soft cloth and buff with another cloth.

Everyone loves a holiday. Each holiday has its own special reason. It’s all good. But the 4th of July (and Memorial Day) unites our country. It’s not about politics or religion, but our freedom. It feels good to see people honoring and celebrating together with fireworks and waving flags. Let’s be grateful, not only on holidays, but let’s never forget what America means to us. Think about it.

Information for this blog is taken from many sources.
Deem reliable at your own risk.

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Subject – Theresa’s Blog

A person writing in a notebook with a pen.

Theresa Klunk Schultz