BLOG, Dec. 11, 2023
about Christmas music. It’s amazing how the favorite songs and carols have been the same for…. well, as long as I can remember. Even though other popular songs have been written and are still sung, the traditional Christmas music is still much-loved. Isn’t it great that our childhood memories are kept alive with the same sounds. Now I know why Christmas make me sentimental.
Even before Christmas has said hello, it’s saying ‘buy buy.”– Robert Paul
There are things money can’t buy. Not one is on my son’s list. – Milton Berle
Christmas can’t be bought from a store. Maybe Christmas means a little bit more. – Dr. Suess
The worst gift is a fruitcake. There is only one fruitcake in the entire world, and people keep sending it to each other. – Johnny Carson
You know you’re getting old when Santa starts looking younger – Robert Paul
The ideal Christmas gift is money; the trouble is you can’t charge it. – Bill Vaughan
One of the most glorious messes in the world is the mess created in the living room on Christmas Day. Don’t clean it up too quickly. –Andy Rooney
(Taken from Easy Does It)
Add a stick of celery in the plastic bag of bread to help keep it fresh.
Save the end pieces and cut-off crusts in a plastic bag to freeze. Run the bread through a food processor or blender when needed for bread crumbs.
Tuck a paper towel in with the bread when freezing. When you defrost the bread, the towel will absorb the moisture to keep it free of dampness.
Homemade bread can have a distinct flavor but substituting milk, fruit juice, or broth instead of water.
Copy and paste the cam video below to watch the Christmas tree lighting that took place in Washington, DC
cam video christmas tree in washington dc
We all know someone who we find annoying and would rather not be around. Sometimes we don’t really know why. Of course, everyone has faults and everyone has their good qualities. Maybe we’re so caught-up in their faults that we don’t see their better side. We might be surprised to discover someone special if we give them a chance. Think about it!
Information for this blog is taken from many sources.
Deem reliable at your own risk.
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