This I’ve Learned

Blog January 6, 2025

how am I ever going to remember to write 2025 instead of 2024. It doesn’t seem that long that I had to remember 2024. Maybe I’ll think of a jingle like ‘It’s 25 and I’m alive’.

(Taken from The Old Farmer’s Almanac)
Some favorite sayings and proverbs
On New Year’s Eve, kiss the person you hope to keep kissing.
If New Year’s Eve night wind blow south, it betokened warmth and growth.
If the old year goes out like a lion, the new year will come in like a lamb.
Begin the new year square with every man.

Four guys were bragging about the pranks they once did.
The first told how he made some vanilla pudding and put it in a mayo jar and stood on a busy street corner eating it.
“I hired two private investigators to follow each other”, the second guy said.
“I was in a crowded elevator and threw up my hands and said, “I bet you are wondering why I gathered you here today”, laughed the third.
The forth guy chimed in, I’ll never forget the time I ran into a store and asked loudly what year it was and when someone answered I ran out cheering , ”It worked. It worked.”

(Taken from A Century of Home Remedies)
Coat a knife with butter to easily cut soft pies.
Put a cut apple in an airtight container with bread or cake to keep moist and flavorful.
Add green pepper (seeds removed) when cooking cabbage to leave kitchen odorless.
Crumpled newspaper is great for shining glass and furniture. The ink acts as polish.
Clean darkened pans, fill with water; add 2 tsp. cream of tartar and simmer for 10 minutes.

How many times we don’t do something because we just don’t feel like it or actually a little lazy. We then have to think about it again and plan to get it done.  It’s best if we don’t think about it too much and tell ourselves to JUST DO IT!  Think about it

Information for this blog is taken from many sources.
Deem reliable at your own risk.
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Subject – Theresa’s Blog





A number of balloons that are in the shape of 2 0 2 5.

Theresa Klunk Schultz