how great it is to open the drapes in my bedroom every morning and see a beautiful view which includes a large cross on a distant hill. It reminds me to thank God for another day and ask for blessings, not only for myself, but my family and friends. I keep hoping someday when I spread the drapes, I’ll once again see rain. Until then, I’ll just continue to enjoy beautiful blue skies and sunshine.
you forget someone’s name 10 seconds after they tell you.
buy produce and throw it out two weeks later.
make plans and immediately regret making them.
calculate how much sleep you’ll get if you fall asleep right now.
leave laundry in the dryer until it wrinkles. Then turn on the dryer to take out the new wrinkles.
Then you forget it again.
Be kind to harsh memories of your past. You didn’t know the things that you know now.
Be like a postage stamp. Stick to it until you get there.
Don’t put it down. Put it away. If it doesn’t have a home, make one for it.
HOW TO PRESERVE LETTUCE AND CELERY (From Mary Ellen’s Best of helpful hints)
Store in fridge in paper bags instead of cellophane.
Do not remove outside leaves until ready to use. Line the bottom of storage container with paper towels or put a few dry sponges in vegetable drawer to absorb moisture.
Keep fresh and crisp by storing in a jar with a tight lid. Parsley can also be frozen.
Sympathy is your pain in my heart.
In speaking your mind, don’t neglect to mind your speech.
Information for this blog is taken from many sources.
Deem reliable at your own risk.
Punch Lines are complimentary of Fr. John Hampsch, C.M.F