how nice it was to see rain again. It started out with a bang (thunder) in the middle of the night and was serious most of the day. Later, in the afternoon I notice the sun was shining while it was raining. That was my clue to look for a rainbow. There it was. Although the mountains are far, far away, we could see the fresh snow on the tops. But, best of all, the rain gave us a hint of what is in store. Our hills will soon come alive with what looks like green carpet. For a few months, during the season for rain, the most beautiful state might just be California.
Fr. John Hampsch, CMF. If the name sounds familiar it’s because his name is mentioned at the end of my blogs. I have only a few of his many religious tapes and books. But he also has a couple books (UPLIFTS and PUNCH LINES) that are one-liner witty sayings.
When I started my blog, I called his office to get permission to quote from these books. I didn’t expect to talk to him, but I did. He told me I didn’t need permission, but he was delighted.
I recently received word that Fr. Hampsch died. He was 94.
His ministry lives on. You can google his ministry at Fr. Hampsch, Claretian Teaching Ministry.
(Taken from Fr. Hampsch’s UPLIFTS)
Seven stages of growth: spills, drills, thrills, bills, ills, pills, wills.
Never spend as much as your friends think you make.
The trouble with being a good sport is that you have to lose to prove it.
The most obnoxious combination is a narrow mind with a wide mouth.
Impatience: Waiting in a hurry.
(Taken from Reader’s Digest Household Hints)
Strike the egg at an angle to the mixing bowl. It’s less likely for the yolk to break.
Need the egg to be room temperature? Put in bowl of warm water for 10 minutes.
Use a small funnel to separate egg whites. The yolk will remain while the whites run through.
Let egg whites warm up for about 30 minutes before beating. You’ll get more volume.
If at first you don’t succeed, you’re about average.
Some days are like popping popcorn without a lid.
Information for this blog is taken from many sources.
Deem reliable at your own risk.
Punch Lines are complimentary of Fr. John Hampsch, C.M.F.