about my friend whose mother is bedridden. She doesn’t like to leave her alone, so I stayed with her mother while she ran some errands.
I can only imagine how challenging it must be to be confined in a bed day after day. Yet, her mother was very cheerful and a delight. And here I am, often complaining about the little annoyances in my daily life. Just saying, I’m so thankful, doesn’t seem enough. I want to appreciate my good health every single day and offer a prayer for those who have no choice about their suffering. And I feel certain that heaven is full of caretakers.
(I found on Google)
1. Smile – It makes everyone feel better.
2. Be Kind – You have the power to make people feel good.
3. Don’t Give Up – If it doesn’t work the first time, find another way.
4. Don’t Compare – Everyone is on a different journey.
5. Avoid Negativity – Avoid negative thoughts, situations & people.
6. Make Peace with the Past – Focus on the present & future will be better.
7. Take Care of your Body & Mind – One struggles to survive without the other.
(Taken from Easy Does It)
If your yard is too small for flowers or a few vegetables, don’t despair. Prepare a wheelbarrow with soil and plant away. It’s easy to move from sun to shade as needed. In the winter you can dump it out and store.
Or you could use a wagon. Drill holes in the bottom for drainage and fill with soil. The wagon could also make a nice strawberry bed. Again, you can move it from sun to shade if needed.
…If you fall down and people panic, but if they laugh, you know you’re still young.
…when your birth date is no longer immediately visible in drop-down menus and you have to start scrolling down.
…when you no longer know the famous singers and you don’t even care.
There is often too much month at the end of the money.
Some women keep their girlish figure—and even double it.
nformation for this blog is taken from many sources.
Deem reliable at your own risk.
Punch Lines are complimentary of Fr. John Hampsch, C.M.F.