how much harder it’s getting to open jars, bottles and almost everything. I wonder why manufactures are doing this to us. I asked some of my friends if they were having trouble also. Sure enough, they all agreed with me. I’ll admit, we’re all the same age. Well, at least I’m not alone.
I never thought I’d be the kind of person who’d wake up early in the morning to exercise….and I was right.
I knew from the moment I meant him that I wanted to spend the rest of my life without him.
The most expensive thing I’ve ever operated was the grocery cart at Costco.
I get most of my exercise these days from shaking my head in disbelief.
(Taken from Household Hint Handbook)
Dampen the string before tying a package. It will shrink when it dries to make it tight.
To figure how much gift wrap paper to cut, first tie a string around the package and measure it (add a little for overlap), then measure and cut the paper.
Wrap fragile items in plastic bags for mailing, then surround it with marshmallows to protect.
Don’t turn on the news.
Stay off the bathroom scales.
Sometimes we are upset when someone close to us has a change in their behavior. We often think it’s something we said or did so we pull away without knowing the reason. Perhaps something difficult is happening in their life and isn’t easy for them to share it. It may be a time when they need us most and the last thing they need is for us to turn away. Think about it.
(Taken from Fr. Hampsch’s book Uplifts)
Life is deeper than it is long. Count your blessings, not birthdays.
The art of living is being in the world but not of it.
Information for this blog is taken from many sources.
Deem reliable at your own risk.
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