about a man who was on his phone in the grocery store. He was talking so loudly; I could hear him a couple aisles over. Then I saw him. He was walking fast up and down the aisles. It was obvious he wasn’t there to buy groceries because he wasn’t even pushing a cart. I’m not even going to try to figure it out. I’ll just chalk it up to just another kookie thing going on these days.
Sign posted in a church: By entering this church it may be possible that you hear the call of God. However, it is less probable that he will call you on your mobile. Thank you for turning off your phones. If you want to talk to God, enter, choose a quiet place and talk to him. If you want to see him, send him a text while driving.
Google this link below to have fun exploring live the Monterey Bary Aquarium. (Can copy & paste)
https://www.montereybayaquarium.org/animals/animals-a-to-z?filterBy= (Click on Webcam)
(Taken from The Household Hint Handbook)
Store apples and potatoes together to keep the potatoes from sprouting.
Store the peelings from an orange or lemon in the freezer. Frozen peel is easier to grate than fresh, and you have it on hand when you need it.
Washed fruit spoils faster more rapidly. Store fruit unwashed until ready to use.
Refrigerate unwashed strawberries in a colander so air can circulate around them.
Too often we’ll find a picture or some kind of paper and it doesn’t have a date. Sometimes it’s even important. Putting a date on something would be simple, but we didn’t even think about it at the time. We can learn from that mistake and get in the habit of putting a date on the things we keep for later. Think about it.
(Taken from Fr. Hampsch’s book Uplifts)
In life’s garden most of what we grow we sow.
Life is like eating hash; to enjoy it you need to trust.
Information for this blog is taken from many sources.
Deem reliable at your own risk.
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