Blog March 6, 2023
how much we depend on electricity. Recently we had a power outraged for a few hours. I don’t want think how many times I spontaneously turned on a light switch or grabbed the remote. I had to stop myself from going to my computer or heading for the microwave. It made me realize how spoiled we all are. As I always say, there’s good in everything. The power outraged helped me to appreciate electricity and actually the many luxuries I just take for granite.
(Taken from The Joy of Friendship)
Friends can be silly together without feeling silly about it.
Friends laugh with each other, not at each other.
Friends allow you to be not only yourself but also the self you want to be.
Friends can solve the world’s problems over a cup of coffee.
(Taken from Moorpark Seniors book of Home Remedies)
Chill cheese to grate it more easily.
If a nail won’t hold in a plastered wall, fill the hole with steel wool; watch it hold.
Use lemon juice to remove stains in bath tubs.
Heat lemons before using; there will be twice the quantity of juice.
Pedestrian: Someone who didn’t believe the E on the gas gauge means empty.
Stalemate: A spouse who’s no longer exciting.
Small town: One that closes the library when someone takes a book.
Reception: A party without chairs.
Old age: Ten years older than you are.
(Taken from Self Matters daily calendar notes)
If it’s important to you. Then it’s important, period.
If it’s not working, stop doing it.
Stop taking responsibility for things that you never controlled.
If you think you’re too smart to learn, you’re too dumb to know you’re stupid.
Many people never come clean–even when they’re In hot water
Information for this blog is taken from many sources.
Deem reliable at your own risk.
Punch Lines are complimentary of Fr. John Hampsch, C.M.F
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