This I’ve Learned

I WAS THINKING… how versatile the pumpkin is during its seasonal period. Just walk into my favorite store, Trader Joe, and you will discover different delicious pumpkin treats you never thought of before. Of course, the Jack-O-Lantern takes the reward for the most use of the pumpkin, but I’d vote for the pumpkin pie. And…

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This I’ve Learned

I WAS THINKING… about the car that zoomed past me. He was in such a hurry Then, about two blocks later, I pulled next to him at the stop light. I don’t think he saw me smile and wave at him. ON THE LIGHTER SIDE Signs of the time Funeral home parlor: Ask about our…

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This I’ve Learned

  I WAS THINKING… how I didn’t recognize someone because she had cut off her long hair. I’m amazed how hair makes a difference in ones looks. It’s almost like we have a choice of how we look. We can color it, or not. There’s the pony tail or braids, straight or curly, long or…

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This I’ve Learned

I WAS THINKING… about the other day as I was walking through my neighborhood, I heard a loud YOU ARE ON CAMERA. It really startled me. I hope no one saw me jump. I looked at the near-by house and noticed a camera staring at me. I knew the camera was new because I walk…

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This I’ve Learned

I WAS THINKING… about a man who was on his phone in the grocery store. He was talking so loudly; I could hear him a couple aisles over. Then I saw him. He was walking fast up and down the aisles. It was obvious he wasn’t there to buy groceries because he wasn’t even pushing…

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