WISE - When I Saw Eighty

Giving You Access to Various Self-Help Blog Articles

A close up of a red rose with leaves

WISE. (When I Saw Eighty)

Come follow me as I start my blog, WISE. (When I Saw Eighty)
In my 80+ years, I’ve experienced many of life’s lessons. I still chuckle when I remember some stories and jokes. Many tasks were made simple because of a mere helpful hint.

‘This I’ve Learned’ is the subtitle of the three books I’ve written.
Each week I’ll share a bit of wisdom, humor, or a helpful hint.

And the best is yet to come.
Can we talk?

This I’ve Learned

I WAS THINKING...about the celebrities who recently passed away...Betty ...

This I’ve Learned

I WAS THINKING...how much our life depends on electricity. ...

This I’ve Learned

Blog Jan 3, 2022 I WAS THINKING...it doesn't seem ...

This I’ve Learned

I WAS THINKING...that another Christmas has come and gone ...

This I’ve Learned

I WAS THINKING...about  Christmas day. It's happening this week. ...

This I’ve Learned

I WAS THINKIG...about all the Christmas programs that are ...
A sun with sunglasses on it's face.

This I’ve Learned

I WAS THINKING...how  bright the sun was when I ...

This I’ve Learned

I WAS THINKING...about recently when I saw a lady ...
A smiley face with a turkey on the plate.

This I’ve learned

I WAS THINKING...about my visit last week to our ...

This I’ve Learned

Blog November 15, 2021 I WAS THINKING...about Dr. Mandell. ...

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